χαῖρε / about me

revised 4/30/2008

. Currently subtitled Toward a career in nursing, this weblog is recording my experiences with nursing school, which I hope will come to fruition in spring 2009, when its subtitle will be changed to On a career in nursing and continue with my experiences in practice. Perhaps, if I am successful in academics and unsatisfied in practice, it will become On advanced practice or Toward a terminal degree. But I'll have to see. I have to get through nursing school first.

Who am I? You can call me "Chris," if you want to, for example, send me electronic mail. I'm pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from the State University of New York. I've been in and out of college several times, working on degrees quite different from nursing in humanities and social sciences. My decision for nursing followed my experiences working as a ward clerk on the progressive care/step-down/cardiac unit at my local hospital, a position I hope to keep until I graduate from college.

Contact: I can be reached by electronic mail at the address in my Blogger profile.

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